Ready to try an easy web-based virtual world?


Virtual spaces can be confusing! You may not have the necessary system requirements: Mac, PC, graphics card, operating system and so on. But here’s one that is super easy and can be accessed on nearly any device! Cybalounge Metaverse School

Simply click on this url and you are there! Note the small icon on the bottom left of the screen (with the little lock on it). Cybalounge lets you log in as a guest or register as a user.

ACRL Virtual World Interest Group Tour May 17th

The ACRL (Association for College and Research Libraries) Virtual World Interest Group meets in Second Life monthly. This month, we will tour Cybalounge and anyone can easily join us! We will start at the Nonprofit Virtual World and we plan to visit the Community Virtual Library space as well as an art gallery. Selby Evans holds office hours in Cybalounge on weekdays at 10am Pacific Time. If you miss this tour, check it out then.