Virtual Tornado Exhibit and Simulation

For the past few years, I have been exploring virtual worlds in education and libraries. For example, building a virtual display of the Texas Alamo and conducting live tours of a simulation in Second Life illustrated how students might use virtual worlds to study history.
With another librarian from the Texas Library Association, I happened to meet an individual who builds disaster preparation and emergency rescue simulations. One day, while working on another project in the virtual world of Second Life, this individual asked if I would like to come to an emergency rescue on a virtual submarine. I asked, “When?”
“Right now!” he answered.
So, I teleported to a sunken submarine and experienced a virtual rescue. Of course, I couldn’t pass up the chance to take some machinima shots.
The rescue simulation gave me (and my other librarian friend) the idea to create a virtual library display and exhibit that would include a live rescue simulation. Because 2011 was a year filled with record breaking tornados, we decided a virtual tornado exhibit would be a good choice.

The virtual tornado exhibit will be on display in Second Life from September 1 – October 31, 2011 at the Community Virtual Library on Info Island.

Volunteers are need to roleplay as rescue workers, police officers, firefighters and victims. Tentative dates for the live simulation are Sept. 8th at 6pm Pacific Time (Second Life time) and Oct. 8th at 9am Pacific Time (SL time).  Anyone interested is welcome to participate.