Code Poetry Cuts Through to the Heart

Valentine Download

(a poem written in computer code)

right click in your head

open each file

convert .tht (thought extensions) to .emt (heart/emotion extensions)







unzip the idea

save target as

🙂 (emoji smile inserted here)

New Poetry Forms

I wrote that poem years ago when I was just beginning to learn about html and the various changes of language in digital culture. It was not actually written in html but the language embedded various suggestions relating to computer language. For example, vvv was used instead of the url WWW to suggest alliteration and the word “valentine”. The various “dot extensions” eluded to the many formats of information and how our thinking is being changed by computer languages.

Using a Free Online HTML Code Generator, I played around with using html with this poem.

It is fascinating to think about the various computer languages that are impacting the way we communicate. Code Poetry is added to my ongoing list of amazing poetic forms. Try playing around with language as it is changing. The poet e. e. cummings broke the rules of grammar in interesting ways and we can, too.

Obituary for Revision

Revision passed away this morning, after a long battle with social media tools and instant gratification of verbiage. Survived by Writing Process siblings, Editing and Grammar, both now housed in assisted living facilities, Revision is remembered by readers and writers across the globe as having contributed to the accumulation of literature of all genres, the  history of the world, and the knowledge of mankind for over 500 years.

Born in the Gutenberg family and cradled in the printing press, Revision led a life of unmatchable variety and creativity.  Revision worked tirelessly and his work has been acclaimed by experts as one of the greatest, yet most unrecognized achievements on record.

Sadly, Revision’s offspring are tweeting and posting with such reckless abandon–some fear the huge amass of wealth accumulated over centuries, within the Writing Process Family, could be squandered in only a few years.  A world hungry for wisdom could possibly be left in ignorant poverty because disposable words and ideas are now tossed aside along with fast food packaging.

A decision will be forthcoming as to whether Revision will be cremated or placed in a digital landfill.