Beyond the Digital Line- February 13, 2054

Little One, your hands are beautiful
and they hold all knowledge

Move your finger and surroundings change
to your favorite color—
swirls of blue with silver sparkles

Touch your ear and musical harmonies slowly swell
Wave your hand to augment history

Look into my eyes and they will tell you of another time

For these eyes saw a different world
where colors could not change
Only nature held the power
That world was unprogrammed and unsafe

My body was separate from the digital realm
And each person was required
to learn how to think

But you, Little One, are
safely digitized
You have never seen broken things
Books with worn, tattered pages
Cars with flat tires
Bruises or skinned knees
You live in the simulated shell of digital protection

Gingerbread and hot cider appear when you blink
and friends await you at all points of Earth

But now, I want to tell you what I miss
from the world before
the Singularity
I miss…

having to wait.

Virtual Book Discussion: Beyond the Blogosphere

After reading Beyond the Blogosphere: information and its Children by Aaron Barlow and Robert Leston, which I filled with post-it notes commenting on the digital revolution and how it has changed libraries, educations, and our lives, I thought it would be cool to ask the authors to discuss the book —virtually. Both authors quickly replied to my email agreeing to attend a virtual world discussion in Second Life, which would be sponsored by the Association of College and Research Libraries Virtual World Interest Group (which I am leading for 2012-2013).

The “sense of presence”, made possible within virtual worlds, provided a personal epiphany during the conversation among the dozen or so participants in the audience. As we discussed the importance of “taking a break from our digital gadgets” and “turning off our technology”- how crucial it is to balance the physical and the virtual -I suddenly found it ironic. During that portion of the discussion, something occurred to me. Here we were, talking “anti-technology”, inside a 3D immersive environment while sitting at our computers! I realized, however, that I actually was interacting with others discussing something meaningful, in fact something I am passionate about, even though I was in a virtual mode rather than a physical one. In other words, I was not escaping something by pausing real life to use a technology device; instead, I was “in the moment”. This illuminates an advantage of virtual worlds over the flat online digital mediums: texting, email, FB, Twitter, and other social media and distance learning platforms.

The stimulating conversation covered digital citizenship, the “singularity”, the problems created by ever-increasing personalization on the Internet, the fact that students google everything first, and other difficulties we now face due to the exponential growth of technological change.

Aaron Barlow and Robert Leston were terrific guests at the Community Virtual Library and I feel as if I actually met them. (Didn’t I?) They predicted the convergence of the physical and the virtual (through augmented reality such as Google glasses) by stating “First, media converged so that it all could be delivered through the computer. Soon the physical world will also be delivered by the virtual one” (page 19). This convergence (beyond the blogosphere) brings chaos as we (insert librarianshumans, or whatever here) can no longer catalog the vast amount of information we create. Although this discussion illuminated enormous problems we face today as librarians and educators, the experience was extremely positive due to the camaraderie experienced and the feeling that “we are all in this together”.

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