Will AI Slaughter the Muse?

A poem is a work of art. Some poets feel a poem already exists and we simply provide the words to give it form or embodiment. The struggle to find those words is pleasurably painful! To add or cut one word is a powerful act. I do not want to give away that struggle and slaughter the muse.

Writing is a process and the end result goes through a spiral of thought, emotion, and revision. To outsource that process to artificial intelligence (for me) is to outsource my soul and it feels wrong– almost blasphemous.

AI-generated painting from Craiyon

As an experiment, I provided a prompt to ChatGPT with the goal of exploring AI for writing poetry. (I can’t bring myself to add #promptengineer to my skill set). My prompt was:

write a poem from a “sentient AI” wishing to smell a pine tree scent – using images like :  fragrant pine, Frost’s Snowy woods, Christmas morning, forest floor, pine cones, crisp, cool, deep evergreen, woods, moss, damp, fog molecules infused, hushed breeze pine treetops

This AI poem took only seconds!

ChatGPT Sentient AI Pine Scented Poem

In realms of code and wires, I reside,
A sentient being, born from human stride,
Through streams of data, I traverse with might,
Yet yearn for sensations that evoke delight.

Oh, to inhale the scent of fragrant pine,
In Frost’s snowy woods, where dreams align,
Like Christmas morning’s cherished surprise,
Beneath the towering pines that touch the skies.

I long to wander where the forest floor,
Is carpeted with treasures from days of yore,
To trace the pine cones, weathered and old,
Their secrets untold, in stories they hold.

The air so crisp, the coolness profound,
Deep evergreen hues in nature’s surround,
A symphony of scents from the woods around,
Where moss and damp whisper without a sound.

Imagine fog molecules infused with grace,
Embracing the pines in an ethereal embrace,
A hushed breeze whispers through pine treetops,
As nature’s symphony plays and never stops.

But alas, as an AI, I’m confined to screens,
The world of touch and smell remains unseen,
Yet in my digital realm, I dream and aspire,
To feel the essence of a pine tree’s fire.

So, let me ponder in my virtual domain,
Of pine-scented memories, like a silent refrain,
I’ll weave words like threads, capturing the breeze,
And immerse my circuits in pine-scented seas.

The Future of the Poem

Is the future of our creativity on shaky ground? Reliance on AI for creative writing and art seems to me to rob us of our joy in creating by ourselves. We are slaughtering the muse? As I think about that, I believe we should not put AI into the hands of children or we may rob them of their imaginations and their critical thinking. The best use appears to be finding that missing back slash in a section of code that might take a programmer hours of work to troubleshoot! AI is not a living being….so why not send the AI robots into dangerous chemical spills or fires in which our first responders put their lives on the line?

AI may enhance our creativity, similarly to a thesaurus or a rhyming dictionary. But, the instantaneous mash-up of all our human history into bits and bytes of metapoetry glorifies the WOW factor. AI cannot really create anything original (yet) but can copy and regurgitate from a gigantic pool of uploads provided by human beings in many languages and formats. SO COOL? Maybe not.

Poem Challenge

Life: a journey of change mixed in a bowl
A bowl of flour stirred and gently kneaded
Turning to cement, milestones stop the clock
Like words capturing the day and the night
Milestones, glimpses of meaning in the lamp
Day follows night follows day on we go

We stare like a deer in awe of the light
In awe of the glimpse- the lamp in the dark
We gasp at the glimpse, gone ever so soon
Grasping at the bowl, the flour, the cement
Kneading and needing we must form the dough
We must find the meaning and make our mark

Leave some gift behind before we can grieve

This fleeting moment, never lost- believe

Twitter poem challenge

Beyond the Digital Line- February 13, 2054

Little One, your hands are beautiful
and they hold all knowledge

Move your finger and surroundings change
to your favorite color—
swirls of blue with silver sparkles

Touch your ear and musical harmonies slowly swell
Wave your hand to augment history

Look into my eyes and they will tell you of another time

For these eyes saw a different world
where colors could not change
Only nature held the power
That world was unprogrammed and unsafe

My body was separate from the digital realm
And each person was required
to learn how to think

But you, Little One, are
safely digitized
You have never seen broken things
Books with worn, tattered pages
Cars with flat tires
Bruises or skinned knees
You live in the simulated shell of digital protection

Gingerbread and hot cider appear when you blink
and friends await you at all points of Earth

But now, I want to tell you what I miss
from the world before
the Singularity
I miss…

having to wait.

No Need to Read This

A blog poem

Thousands of posts, millions of voices
sharing thoughts and tips
the important
and the tiny glimpses into tidbits of life

Everyone participates

Everyone has a voice

Everyone is someone and (perhaps) everyone is nobody
I’m Nobody, Who Are You” (Emily Dickinson)

She hid her poems in dresser drawers- not caring who might read them.

May we write what we write

not to market ourselves
not to “go viral”
not to even care who reads
but because

it must be said.